![]() Buy the hard copy: $25.00 (plus shipping and handling) or order the now downloadable e-book edition at $14.95. IMAGINE...What if coming to school each morning were a joyfor teachers and students alike? What if every classroom were a place of exhilaration and fresh wonder, each day a celebration, each teacher a fount of inspiration? What if every child expressed their highest potential in school ... and then ventured forth to build a better world? What if an educational system might be devised through which every teacher were encouraged to use his or her special gifts to guide and motivate, to monitor, and to reveal the universe in which we live and move and have our being? What if the learning of every child was designed to discover and nurture that special individuality which each of us possesses? That vision of what teaching and learning can be like is exactly what you will experience when you first read
This comprehensive guide uses the visual and performing arts to help you:
Teaching Curriculum Through the Arts easy-to-read, user-friendly and entertaining. It contains scores of practical activities for students all based on over a quarter of a century of hands-on residencies in thousands of K-12 classrooms. The manual contains principles, processes and techniques for
This book contains everything you'll need to launch a successful arts-in-education program to make your teaching and learning process a joyful experience for yourself and everyone involved. Maybe you don't feel like you're an "artist." That's okay. You don't have to be!That's one of the greatest things about the process described in this manual. It's designed so that the students are the ones who engage in the arts activities! And they invariably love it! Remember your most vivid memories of school? They're probably when you created something... when you were involved! Maybe you wrote a script or story you were proud of, or performed in a school play. Perhaps you created a hands on project for the science fair, or worked with your friends to create a class mural. Maybe you even competed in a contest and won! This book takes you step by step through all sorts of activities which are arts-based, but require no prior experience in the arts for either you, or your students. And they'll love participating. (Click here to see a more detailed descrition of the contents of the book.) It's hard to believe that the secrets which help students learn while they're having fun could be contained in just one book. But it's true! And you can order it right now: and have it shipped to you in days. or order the now downloadable e-book edition at $14.95. So why wait? Your new round of inspiration can start immediately! Click one of the buttons above for a completely secure credit card order of the book now though PayPal and know that your students will be forever grateful to you. Is there any other way to order? Sure. If you don't wish to download, or use your credit card, you still can enjoy CES books by ordering in one of several ways:
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